我想分享一些寶貴的建議給那些首次來日本出差的商務人士。日本商業環境有其獨特性,理解並遵循這些規範對於商務成功至關重要。 首先,準備充分是成功的關鍵。在日本經營業務,您需要具備三大基本要素:流利的日語溝通能力、深入的日本文化理解,以及對日幣使用的熟悉。這些不僅有助於日常交流,也是展現尊重和專業的重要方式。觀察大型國際公司如亞馬遜和Google在日本的運營,您會發現它們如何通過完全本地化來達成成功。 其次,了解日本的商務禮儀至關重要。在冷天進行商務拜訪時,您應該在進入會議室之前脫掉大衣,這是表達尊重的一種方式。日本的商業環境非常重視細節和禮節,這種小動作可以顯示出您對日本文化的尊重和適應。 當安排會議和餐廳預訂時,一定要提前確定人數和參與者的身份,並盡量避免臨時變更。日本公司和餐廳通常會根據預先提供的信息準備相應的座位和飲料。突然的更改會給對方帶來不便,並可能影響您的專業形象。 在商務會議上,獻上伴手禮是一個美好的傳統,通常會在會議結束時進行。這不僅是一種禮節,也是表達感謝和尊重的方式。 談及飲食,請注意日本便當通常是冷食。在寒冷的季節,選擇便當時最好避免選擇容易因冷卻而質地改變的食物,比如燒烤牛肉。 在初次商務交流中,日本公司通常會專注於建立相互認識,交流現有能力和需求。在尚未建立合作和信任基礎的情況下,對於新合作想法或非傳統業務模式,他們可能會持保守態度。因此,在提出新想法時,準備一份完整的PPT提案會更顯專業和周到。 最後,請記住,日本是一個高度重視信用的社會。一旦建立了信任,就能獲得更多的便利和彈性。這些知識和建議將幫助您在日本的商務旅程中取得成功。
In Moodle, you can use the forum activity to create a space for students to discuss assignments and ask questions. To do this, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Moodle site as an instructor and navigate to the course homepage.
- In the course administration block, click on "Turn editing on."
- Scroll down to the section where you want to add the forum activity and click on "Add an activity or resource."
- In the activity chooser, select "Forum" and click "Add."
- On the "Adding a new forum" page, give the forum a name and provide a description if desired.
- In the "Forum type" section, choose "Standard forum for general use."
- In the "Subscription mode" section, you can choose whether or not you want students to be able to subscribe to the forum. Subscribing allows students to receive email notifications when new posts are added to the forum.
- Click "Save and display" to create the forum.
Once the forum is created, students will be able to post questions and reply to others' questions in the forum. You can also participate in the discussion as the instructor.
There are a few ways you can encourage students to participate in the forum:
- Set a clear expectation that participation in the forum is a required part of the course. You could include it as part of the course syllabus or assign a specific percentage of the course grade to forum participation.
- Make participation in the forum a formative assessment. For example, you could ask students to reflect on their learning in the forum or respond to prompts that you provide. This can help students see the value of participating in the discussion and encourage them to engage more actively.
- Offer incentives for participation. You can use Moodle's built-in grading system to assign points or credits to students for their participation in the forum. To do this, go to the forum's settings and click on "Grade." From there, you can set the maximum grade for the forum and assign points or credits for different types of participation (e.g., posting a new topic, replying to a topic, etc.).
- Encourage students to engage with each other's posts. You can encourage students to ask questions, offer feedback, and engage in constructive dialogue with their peers. This can help create a sense of community and encourage more participation in the forum.
- Model participation yourself. As the instructor, you can participate in the forum by posting prompts, responding to student questions, and engaging in the discussion. This can help show students the value of participation and encourage them to do the same.